Companies I am currently licensed with:


World Art Group - Wall decor

Uniek - Wall decor

Portmierion Group (UK) - Coasters, placemats and platters (Melamine)

Paper Products & Designs (PPD - Germany) - Paper napkin designs

Manual Wood Workers - Throw pillows

Graphique de France - Boxed cards

Magenta - Ceramics

iCanvas - Gallery wrapped canvas wall art

One Bella Casa - Wall decor

Stupell, Inc. - Kids wall decor

Trademark Global - Wall decor

Artissimo - Wall decor

Redstreake Brand (via Bargain Backer, LLC) - Home accents, kitchen decor, bathroom decor, accessories and bags

New line of plush PET beds! Each with a different face :-)

New line of plush PET beds! Each with a different face :-)